November 19, 2024

Gold Canyon RV Resort

We took our time getting ready this day as it was planned to be an do-nothing day.  We waited until about 0930 to go and check in for the week and find out what is what.  This resort is laid out typical to a lot of these types of resorts and the streets are curved around a central building, or area, where the administration offices, hall, leisure activity areas, pool and hot tubs are located.

It is a mixture of park model homes in the 500-800 square foot range, some with what they call an Arizona room and some just the straight park model.  Residents own the building and lease the land from the resort.  Sprinkled throughout the area we are in there are also RV lots.  The lots are compacted gravel for the area where the RV parks and a concrete pad with a stone picnic area for vehicle parking.  The lots throughout the resort are well landscaped with trees, cactus and local shrubs.  There are also activity areas, which are very well done from what I saw.  There is a sewing and crafts room, wood working, lapidary and general crafts room.

There is also a 9-hole par 3 course intermingled throughout the property and from what we can see it is very well attended.  The guy that drove the follow-me cart the day we arrived told us there are quite a few tenants here who play three rounds every day, all winter.

The obligatory Canada Geese stroll around, thankful they are where they are I suppose, and looking quite relaxed.

The resort owns nine park model homes for rentals, and there are fourteen people who own and allow their units to be rented.  All 23 homes are rented for the entire winter season with no availability at all for this winter season.  There are 160 people on the wait list to rent.  The demand is so high the resort now only allows full month rentals, so I expect it will be pricey for anyone to stay here.  That is unfortunate and I suspect with the number of darn retirees it is not going to get any better.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning the windows on the RV and generally not doing much of anything.  We have some excursions planned for later in the week that we are looking forward to, and Pat is going to spend some time in the pool as well.


  1. Looks like a really nice spot! I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time there

    1. It is very nice, but you are paying a lot more than similar properties I think due to the activities, golf course, etc.


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