November 17, 2024

Van Horn To Las Cruces

I didn't post anything yesterday as the day got a bit messed up with timing on things.  It was not a particularly long day but we had planned on staying at a Harvest Host (a winery) in Las Cruces.  Before I changed the routing earlier in the week we had planned on going through New Mexico up north and coming down the mountain range into Las Cruces toward the end of the month.  With the change we were now coming into Las Cruces from the southeast, and about a week earlier.

View of the mountains from the winery parking lot

View of the cotton fields surrounding the winery.  Hmmmm.

A nice view

I contacted the winery when we made the change to request an earlier date but they never got back to me.  I even called and left a voice mail.  We went there anyway and saw as soon as we got there they were in the middle of setting up for some big function.  We attempted to see someone to see if we could stay but the only guy who was on site who looked like he was with the winery was preoccupied with two guys trying to talk them into buying weekly wines for a year or something like that.  Plus bottles of wines there were in the 40-50 dollars a bottle range so we figured we would pass.

That led us to another Love’s RV park which was close by.  They are not a bad option at all for staying on short notice, and we got the last spot for the night.

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