March 10, 2025

Day At The Zoo

Well not a full day, the zoo is not that big.  But a nice time out to see what the zoo has to offer.  It is a small zoo by any standard and even though it is off-season it looks like it has seen better days.  It has been so long since we were at a zoo I am not sure what we were expecting.  The last time we were at a zoo was when the kids were little and we went to the Toronto Zoo.  The fact there is even a zoo in Northern Texas at all is impressive and there were quite a number of families there with children, so that was nice to see as that is what is important.

One of the first buildings we saw was a Herpetarium and decided to check it out.  Now I don’t know about you but I had never heard of that word before other than the root of the word - herpes; and I was quite sure this was not anything to do with that.  However, what I didn’t know is the word ‘herpe’ means to creep or crawl, so imagine my surprise, and Pat’s utter shock when we found out the building contained all manner of creeping and crawling things. Snakes were featured prominently but spiders and other crawling insects were well represented.  We didn’t last in there long and carried on with our tour.

The rest of the zoo was comprised of outdoor exhibits.  Pretty well all the enclosures were occupied by whatever was supposed to be inside, although the bears were absent and presumed to be sleeping in the piles of rock dens throughout the enclosure.  The jaguar looked like he was pacing to get out and the porcupine was gnawing at the fencing clearly trying to escape, but otherwise the animals were lounging in the sunshine.  There were even two camels that looked very familiar and could possibly have been in Quartzsite earlier this winter.

It was nice to see as many children in the park as there were and they all seemed to be enjoying the experience.  There were outdoor education areas for the kids and I can see how this zoo would be popular during the summer months.

On our way back to the RV we stopped at a local park that happened to be the location of the original townsite when Amarillo was first founded in 1887.

Thank you for stopping by.

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